Sultan Series cymbals combine the brilliance of the Traditional Series with the dry and woody sound of the Turk Series. The un...
Traditional Series Cymbals are well suited for any kind of music. With their musical, dark and responsive sound characteristi...
The Sahra Crash 18" by Istanbul Mehmet promises deep and dark sound for jazz, blues and vintage drummers who are looking for a ...
The "X-Rubbish" Cymbals are part of the Istanbul Xperience Series and earn their name not only with the very trashed sound but...
The X-Ray Silence Splash 10" is a low-noise splash cymbal made of B20 bronze, specially designed for low volumes. Size: 10", Sp...
The X-Ray Silence Ride 20" is a low-noise cymbal made of B20 bronze, specially designed for low volumes. Due to the many holes,...
The X-Ray Silence Hi-Hat 14" is a low-noise hi-hat cymbal pair made of B20 bronze, specially designed for low volumes. Due to t...
The X-Ray Silence Flat Ride 20" is a low-noise cymbal made of B20 bronze, specially designed for low volumes. Due to the many s...
The X-Ray Silence Crash 18" is a low-noise cymbal made of B20 bronze, specially designed for low volumes. Due to the many drill...
The X-Ray Silence Crash 16" is a low-noise cymbal made of B20 bronze, specially designed for low volumes. Due to the many drill...
The X-Ray Silence Crash 14" is a low-noise cymbal made of B20 bronze, specially designed for low volumes. Due to the many drill...
The Istanbul X-Ray Random Turk Crash 18" is an effect crash made of high-quality B20 bronze with randomly arranged and hand-pun...
The Istanbul X-Ray Random Turk Crash 16" is an effect crash made of high-quality B20 bronze with randomly arranged and hand-pun...