Austauschr?hre auf Transistorbasis.Das AMT Electronics Warmst...
Selektiert und gematcht f?r die professionelle Anwendung in Gitarren/Bass- Verst?rker oder auch im HiFi- Bereich. Macht Sinn, ...
PreAmp tube, selected.
12AT7/ECC81 Type with especially reduced Mikrophonie
Low noise-, very near to the 12AX7LPS but with silkier highs and powerful mids.
Russian Version of the 12BH7A.
This Military-Grade-Tube is ideal as a Driver for Sound control and end stages.
Vintage Tone, originaly built-in to the Vintage fender Tweed Amps. The original tube for all Fender® Tweed amps from the 50's....
Tube Amp Doctor 12AX7/ECC83 Mullard Russia