Корзина пуста

Различные лампы для световых приборов

20469 ₽

The Sirius HRI 100W metal halide lamp from Osram is perfect for small and light moving heads. With an output of 100 watts an...

4468 ₽

features: CDM-lamp Tube-shaped Any burning position Operation with conventional or electronic devices For inside and outdoor i...

4393 ₽

Lumen: 15000 Voltage: 240V Watt: 575W Lifetime/H: 300 Box Quant.: 12 Diameter: 20mm Socket: 2-Stift

3888 ₽

Features: Type: 93728 Lumen: 15000 Voltage: 240V Watt: 575W Lifetime/H: 300 Box Quant.: 12 Diameter: 20mm Socket: 2-Stift

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