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Компрессоры / лимитеры

137160 ₽

The WA-2A boasts an all tube, completely discrete signal path with through-hole component topology. It also features cus...

95485 ₽

The Golden Age COMP-2A Single Channel Vintage-Style Compressor is a one channel vintage style Compressor/Levell...

93409 ₽

The ProVLA II is a tube driven Vactrol®-based Compressor / Leveling amplifier designed to excel in any professional audio envi...

81938 ₽

The COMP-3A is a one channel vintage style Compressor / Leveler. The signal path uses only discrete components like resi...

647109 ₽

One piece of EL8X with Pre-Installed "British Mode" Option, also available as "matched pair" / you have to buy 2 pcs ! The un...

1966639 ₽

The Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor has extraordinary functionality, and also provides mastering grade compression and limit...

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