Корзина пуста

Pegasus Wing системы

32850 ₽

Spielen wie die Gro?en mit dem "Selektor Plus Paket"! Unter diesem Motto stellen wir die neue Pegasus Wing Performance-Erweit...

32190 ₽

Die WERSI MS Professional Styleedition 1 ist ein brandneues Stylepaket f?r den WERSI Pegasus Wing! Hier finden Sie 18 professi...

19644 ₽

Even in Germany the theatre organ has found a large following. With 20 theatre timbres such as Barton full, Morton Strings, B...

19644 ₽

With the Grand Pianos sound-pack you receive 25 timbres from two individual Grands with detail rich realism. The sound charac...

19644 ₽

With the Sakral sound packet you receive 34 first class Sakral timbres, allowing you to play your Pegasus Wing with the timbr...

19644 ₽

With the sound pack "Best of Accordions" you can interpret a ton of music styles such as Tango, Waltz, Folk music and pop wit...

16948 ₽

Das WERSI Modern Rock/Pop Stylepaket wurde von unseren WERSI-Partnern in England entwickelt und enth?lt eine breitgef?cherte M...

In the World of Organs sound-pack, the organs and rotor-cabinets celebrate the 50th resurrection whether fat house bass or ro...

James Last - this name is a guarantee for premium first-class sounds. With his melodies and sound, James Last has amazed mill...

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