Wonderfully crafted Shaman drum from Terre. Adorned with eight feathers and an impressive painting this legendary drum spreads...
The Remo frame drums posses a robust Acousticon shell and are equipped with high-quality Fiberskyn 3 heads. REMO Frame Drum H...
History of the Frame Drum The Frame drum originated in the Middle East and is considered among some of the first drums aver d...
The new RTF 60 is an interesting and low-priced alternative to the large Table Drum. It is especially well-suited for use in t...
The Irish Bodhran features an extra deep shell for a rich, full sound, and an extra dampening layer on the rim to reduce overt...
Features: Cross Holder Pre-tuned
Features: Cross Holder
The Daf is a classical Persian frame drum with a rich tradition. It has ring snares nearl...
The Sea Drums create the soothing sounds of the surf, with a great new feature: the little steel balls are sealed between two ...
The Shaman Drum delivers a full, voluminous and saturated sound yet is feather light. TERRE Shaman Drum Features: Form: roun...
The Frame drum is used in many cultures for rituals and celebrations. TERRE Frame Drum Features: Material: Mahogany Plywood...