This superb DVD will teach you the monster riffs and rock infused blues soloing techniques that laid the foundations of heavy ...
Songlist: Detroit Rock CityDeuceI Was Made For Lovin' YouLove GunRock And Roll All Night
Ace celebrated guitar tutor Jamie Humpries gives you a note-for-note guide to five of Jimmy Page's greatest guitar moments. Th...
Learn five Judas Priest tracks note for note with Danny Gill.Songlist: Beyond The Realms Of DeathBreaking The LawLiving After ...
Songlist:Aces HighFear Of The DarkMoonchildSeventh Son Of A Seventh SonTwo Minutes To Midnight
This double-DVD set provides a note-by-note guide to five anthemic Zeppelin classics, giving you the secrets of the long-celeb...
Mit seinen klaren und pr?zisen Erkl?rungen macht Thomas Lang den Betrachter mit moderner Schlagzeug-Elementartechnik vertraut....
The original blues guitar hero who, according to musical folklore, sold his soul at a desolate crossroads in return for musica...
In this must-have instructional DVD which corresponds to the Hal Leonard Guitar Method, Guitar master Greg Koch teaches you 50...
Wenn das Debut-Album, gemischt von Prince-Tonmeister (Hans-Martin Buff) und gemastert von einem Menschen der mit jeder Groe au...
Kick Off - Akustikgitarre ist deine leicht verst?ndliche Einf?hrung in die faszinierende Welt der Akustikgitarre. Diese DVD ba...
Groove Essentials is based on the definitive collection of contemporary Rock, Jazz, R And B/Funk and World/Ethnic drumming sty...