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Проекционные экраны

268355 ₽

DMT Fastfold Screens zeichnen sich durch modernes Design und leichte Montage aus. Es sind keine Komponenten zu installieren u...

185184 ₽

DMT's integrated controlsystem includes an inline switch, built in remote control system, 12V trigger, RS232/central control an...

133610 ₽

DMT's integrated controlsystem includes an inline switch, built in remote control system, 12V trigger, RS232/central control an...

118600 ₽

DMT's integrated controlsystem includes an inline switch, built in remote control system, 12V trigger, RS232/central control an...

67963 ₽

All DMT Proscreens with manual operation are equipped with a Speed Reducing and Self Lock (SR/SL) system ensuring comfortable u...

Pull-down screen with spring-roller features: Manual Wall Screen for XXL entertainment Projection screen in 4:3 aspect ratio ...

Pull-down screen with spring-roller features: Manual Wall Screen for XXL entertainment Projection screen in 4:3 aspect ratio ...

Motorische Bildwand f?r Heimkino, Partykeller etc. Features: Station?re Leinwand f?r Entertainment im XXL-Format Matte, wei?e...

Motorische Bildwand f?r Heimkino, Partykeller etc. Features: Station?re Leinwand f?r Entertainment im XXL-Format Matte, wei?e...

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