Корзина пуста


34094 ₽
32470 ₽

комбо для акустической гитары, 30 ватт, 8` коаксиальный динамик с твитером, хорус

51859 ₽

The Venue DI is an acoustic preamp that combines a transformer-coupled DI output for maximum isolation, an EQ specifically tu...

48293 ₽

The Play Acoustic is the first perfectly tuned combination of a vocal and electro-acoustic guitar signal proce...

47847 ₽

The Transit A Acoustic Pre-Amp & Multi-Effects Unit is a catch-all live performance device designed for acoustic musicians.

44430 ₽

Designed specifically to meet the needs of touring acoustic guitarists, the Tech 21 Acoustic Fly Rig delivers professional s...

42944 ₽

The Zoom AC-3 Acoustic Creator DI Filter Box is equipped with 16 source guitar models, 15 target models, nine effects and a 3-b...

30794 ₽

The Zoom AC-2 Acoustic Creator is a compact DI box for electro-acoustic guitar that promises a first-class sound experience ...

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