Die Global Truss Spacer sind kompatibel zu allen Global Truss F32 bis F44 Traversen. Abst?nde k?nnen schnell und einfach mit d...
This head with a diameter of 100cm serves as an attachment for a F34 Tower, which can be attached to lighting fixtures . You ca...
Wall mount F33 / F34, colour: polish. Picture shows the black version.
Das stabile und leichte Truss Rollbrett von LightmaXX ist der perfekte Helfer, wenn es um den Traversentransport geht. Die Tra...
Schnappschell passend f?r 51 mm Rohre x 44 mm Zapfen
The Global Truss TV Journal Adapter Multi M10 is a Multi Adapter and has a holder for 28 mm TV Journal as well as a M10 thre...
Spacer 10 cm male
F14 base plate, colour: black