The Floor Percussion Set consists of three components - Side Kick, Sizzle Board and Krix. The Velcro fastening allows the uniq...
Meinl Deluxe Cajon Seat
The Heck Stick is the logical and sensible enhancement for the Cajon - an advantage for playing technique. SCHLAGWERK Heck St...
The Pearl PDS26 carrying strap is suitable for transporting and carrying Djembes and other drums, for example during street car...
Баийский бас-барабан
палочка с мягкой колотушкой (для бодрана)
SU-3422-10-СУРДО 22Х24
SU-3420-10-СУРДО 20Х24
SU-3418-10-СУРДО 18Х24
диаметр 6`, графика `гроза.
думбек ERGO-DRUM SYSTEM, традиционный африканский барабан
перкуссионный барабан думбек CERAMIC