Qualit?t f?rs kleine Portmonee Wer beim Kauf einer g?nstigen SnareDrum nicht auf Qualit?t und Sound verzichten m?chte kommt k...
The Fame Copper Snare Drum FSC-50 in 14"x5" is a professional copper snare with solid cast iron hoops. The 1.2 mm thin shell pr...
The Sonor AQ2 Snare 14" x 6" BRF Brown Fade combines long tradition, experience and passion in drum making. The 5.8 mm thick...
The Catalina Maple Set is a synonym for professional drum tools at a small price. The 7-ply maple shells of the Catalina Maple...
Quality for small walletWho does not want to compromise on qu...
The DW PDP Snare Walnut / Maple / Walnut in 13" x7" is a high-quality snare drum with an extra thick bowl and many professio...
With the Acryl Drums of the Design Series, the American manufacturer is offering drums made from the popular, transparent mate...
Features: Tube Lugs
The DW PDP Snare Walnut / Maple / Walnut in 14" x 5.5" is a high-quality snare drum with an extra thick bowl and many profes...