The classic MS-20 –recreated in mini size! An analog synthesizer featuring the original circuitry from 1978 Korg’s MS-20 mon...
Полумодульный аналоговый синтезатор Behringer NEUTRON – полумодульный парафонический синтезатор, выполненный в настольном форма...
Der 001 basiert auf der einer hybriden Klangerzeugnung. Die so genannten NCO?s (numerically controlled oscillators) realisiere...
After the huge success of the Prophet 12 synthesizers, the people at Dave Smith Instruments in San Francisco are taking it one...
The Prophet ’08 Pot Edition offers an alternative with 38 of the 52 front panel parameters controlled by pots. Rotary encoders...
MAM Systems MB 33 Retro аналоговый синтезатор
Tom Cat ist ein analoger Drumcomputer mit f?nf Drum- und Percussionsounds, der sich aus K...
The MBase 11 is an analog Bass Drum from analog specialists Jomox! Powerful to butter soft bass drum sounds, 909 to 808 Style!...
The Werkstatt-01 is compact and patchable synthesizer kit that was made available for the participants of “Engineering VIP” wo...