Endlich wieder zu haben! Und nat?rlich gibt es ein paar Updates, die diesen Klassiker auf den aktuellen Stand der Technik setz...
Stop Tailpiece f?r 7-String Modelle von G?ldo. Features: Saitenhalter f?r 7-saitige Gitarren inklusive Bolzen und H?lsen Gew...
30m roll of professional speaker cable features: Length: 30m Twin axial cable (cores twisted and jacketed) For screw or pin-t...
AES/EBU digitalkabel for sound purists and professional users This balanced, unshielded top-class cable has an impedance of 11...
balanced cable for sound purists and professional users Balanced cable for high-end recording or mastering studios. Built with...
Vovox link direct S750 matched XLR female > XLR male