Compact, light and with Brass Resonance Modeling! The new and revolutionary X Silent Brass System of YAMAHA. Compared to the ...
K&M 122e подсветка для пюпитрa шириной 20 см с одной лампой закрепляется при помощи струбцины на любой поверхности толщиной не...
You have worked hard to get your guitar tone, now retain that great tone but go wireless. The system’s new cable emulator fea...
Das Sennheiser ew 172-GB G3 Instrumenten-Set bietet kabellose Freiheit auf der B?hne, ohne den charakteristischen Kabel-Klang ...
AKG - WMS 470 Instrumental Set B3 overview: AKG WMS 470 is your best choice for any application calling for a solution that is...
Consistently excellent performance has made Beta Wireless Microphones the choice of top performers worldwide. Renowned for the...
The XD-V75TR from Line 6 is a 4th-generation digital wireless system, with license free operation worldwide. The XD-V75TR give...
Das Relay G75 gl?nzt nicht nur mit einer perfekten Klangqualit?t, einem robusten Geh?use und einem vorbildlichen Bedienkomfort...
Das Relay G70 von Line 6 bietet nicht nur perfekte Klangqualit?t und vorbildlichen Bedienkomfort in einem robusten Geh?use, so...
evolution wireless D1 Instrument-Set mit CL1Instrumentenkabel f?r Gitarristen. evolution wireless D1 ist ein digitales Ton?be...
Line 6 Relay features advanced digital wireless technology - Not only does Relay deliver incredible audio quality, it sets the ...