Multi-Voice Synthesizer in Pedal Format. The Meris Enzo is the right tool for tight synth lines and polyphonic chord playing on...
The New Delay Revolution The revolutionary Flashback Triple Delay opens a new Echo Dimension. The effect device is a capable ...
The Ortega QUANTUMexp is a convenient add-on controller that gives you separate control over its second bank of percussion s...
Fuzz/Octaver Pedal The MXR Blue Box distorts the guitar-signal and lays it 2 octaves down, whereas the mix of dry- Fx-signal ...
You'll swear your sound gets right up and walks out of your cabinet! With an absolutely monstrously heavy sound, the Zombie cr...
Do you straddle the fine line between the traditional guitarist and the constant innovator? Are you just as comfortable laying...
In Anlehnung an das klassische Fuzzface bringt MOOER ein Fuzz- Pedal mit originalem Germanium Transistor. Features: Smoother...
Der Ultrakompakt-Trend der Effektpedale hat nun auch den Klassiker schechthin geschrumpft. Trotz Kleinbauweise bietet der Tub...
Schreiender Overdrive im Taschenformat! Das Spark Overdrive Pedal von Mooer passt mit seiner Gr??e von ann?hernd 6 x 6 cm auf...
Flexibles Distortionpedal einer klaren Mission: Metal! Features: Anschl?sse: 6,35 mm Klinkeneingang, 6,35 mm Klinkenausgang ...
This versatile distortion pedal features gain, treble and bass controls along with mid and volume controls. Deep knob adds a d...
This high-grade distortion pedal features two modes: overdrive and distortion. Gain, volume, contour controls. Contour frequen...
Rund und satt klingender Overdrive, der einem absoluten Amp- Klassiker nachempfunden ist. Sch?ner, offener Sound. Features: ...
Neil Zaza's Signature- Sound im kleinstm?glichen Geh?useformat. Ein transparenter, singender Overdrive mit wenig Verzerrung. K...