TC Electronic Flashback 2 – педаль эффекта «дилэй» с новейшей технологией восприятия силы давления на кнопку, а также новым реж...
The Electro-Harmonix Nano Clone Chorus Effect Pedal is everything you love about the Small Clone in an even more compact, die-...
Boss VE-8 Acoustic Singer
Let There Be White! Just like its cousin the Black Finger, the White Finger yields transparent, long sustain that preserves a...
The NS-2 Noise Suppressor eliminates unwanted noise and hum without altering an instrument's natural tone. It's the perfect p...
This compressor allows very accurate settings from gentle compression, smooth sustain to heavily squeezed sounds. Ideal for cl...
Vielseitiges Noisegate von Electro Harmonix.Mit dem Silencer ...
Als Fulltone Gr?nder Michael Fuller in den fr?hen 80ern als Gitarrenlehrer und Fachmann in Musikl?den t?tig war, wurde ihm ein...
If you havent heard this sound yet, you dont know what you?re missing. The heart of a vintage freak will start beating much fa...
Vielseitiges Reverb-Pedal mit Stereo-Ein und -Ausg?ngen sowie der TC Electronic TonePrint...
With Tone Print you have immediate access to specialized, tailored sound. An impressive number of top guitarists’ have contrib...
Mooer Audio Reverie Digital Reverb
Mit insgesamt sieben verschiedenen Lexicon Reverbtypen bringt Digitechs Polara frischen u...
The original Trinity Reverb Pedal was developed together with Andy and Aaron from the US-...