TC Electronic Pipeline Tap Tremolo – педаль эффектов с редактором TonePrint, имеющая режимы Vintage и Square и управление Speed...
WORLD CLASS POD TONE AND ROCKSTAR PRESETS IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND !! About the size of a handheld tuner, Pocke...
The GE-7 is a powerful 7 band EQ with a frequency range from 100 Hz - 6.4 kHz, +/-15dB per band. Features: control: EQ contro...
Features: Effektpedal f?r Akustikgitarren verleiht dem Sound von Piezo-Tonabnehmern die nat?rliche Resonanz des Gitarrenkorpu...
Features CARL MARTIN Quattro: 4 classic Carl Martin effects Compressor/Limiter 2 channel Overdirve Vintage Style Echo (Tap-Tem...
Netzteil f?r Pedalboards mit 8 einzeln isolierten Ausg?ngen. Features:...
Carl Martin Plexitone Lo-Gain
The Carl Martin PlexiTone, is as the name might indicate an unusual high gain three step rocket of an overdrive. The PlexiTone...
Achtfach Effekt Looper im kompakten Geh?use mit einfacher Programmierung und True Bypass. Der Carl Martin Octa-Switch MKIII v...
Carl Martin Hot Drive´n Boost MK3 two in one overdrive/booster
The Carl Martin Headroom is the most simple to operate reverb pedal on the market...with a couple extras. This purely analogu...
Carl Martin Greg Howe's Lick Box