TC Electronic Fangs Metal Distortion – обитатель королевства хайгейновых риффов с суперуниверсальным диапазоном настроек, котор...
The Mooer @ Wah is a digital auto-wah pedal featuring two operation modes, four wah effect models and true bypass sw...
Silence is Golden Especially guitarists who are fans of High Gain have experienced the problem: As soon as the right level of...
The Mooer Envelope Analogue Auto-Wah is an analogue auto-wah pedal for guitar and bass featuring controls for Sensit...
DigiTech DOD Mini Expression
Features: Effektpedal f?r Akustikgitarren verleiht dem Sound von Piezo-Tonabnehmern die nat?rliche Resonanz des Gitarrenkorpu...
Netzteil f?r Pedalboards mit 8 einzeln isolierten Ausg?ngen. Features:...
WORLD CLASS POD TONE AND ROCKSTAR PRESETS IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND !! About the size of a handheld tuner, Pocke...
Electro Harmonix Cock Fight Cocked Talking Wah
The GE-7 is a powerful 7 band EQ with a frequency range from 100 Hz - 6.4 kHz, +/-15dB per band. Features: control: EQ contro...
Compression Pedal easy to useThe MXR Dyna Comp appears on cou...
The small battery-powered unit replaces the pick in the right hand letting the guitarist mimic strings, horns, and woodwinds w...