The DTX502 Series defines the Mid-Range oft he Yamaha E-Drums and promises professional sound and features for players wi...
эл.бараб.установка DTX502, RS500//Y, DTP562 комплект
эл.бараб.установка DTX502, RS500//Y, DTP532 комплект
The DTX502 Series defines the ne Mid-Range oft he Yamaha E-Drums and promises professional sound and features for pl...
эл.бараб.установка DTX502, RS500//Y, DTP522 комплект
модуль эл.бараб.установок DTX522K, DTX532K, DTX542K, DTX562K. 691 тембров, 128 мелодий, наборы ударных 50 + 50, 20 Sets, 32 гол. полифония, метроном ...
The DTX450K is the largest among the small sets oft he DTX400 series. It offers the same compact design a...
The DTX430K from Yamaha will fit into any room thanks to its compact construction. This entry-level set features, ne...