Электронная ударная установка. 7,5” сетчатый малый барабан, 7,5” сетчатые томы (3шт), 10” тарелки (3шт: ride, hi-hat, crash). Педали-триггеры ...
The Dual-trigger capabilities make it perfect for triggering rim shots on the toms or bow/edge sounds on the hi-hat when used ...
The term “Noise Eater” stands for nothing other than footfall noise suppression for kick pedals, regardless if electronic or a...
With the DTX700, Yamaha offers an electronic drum set, which seems perfect for live situations. The professional DTX700 sound m...
эл.бараб.установка DTX700, RS500//Y, DTP700C, DTP700P комплект
The DTX700 is a professional module for use in the studio and on stage. 1268 drum sounds from all styles are available, but a...
модуль эл.бараб.установки
The DTX502 Series defines the mid-range of the E-Drums from Yamaha and promises professional sounds and features f...
The DTX502 Series defines the ne Mid-Range oft he Yamaha E-Drums and promises professional sound and features for players wi...
The DTX502 Series defines the ne Mid-Range oft he Yamaha E-Drums and promises professional sound and features for players with...
эл.бараб.установка DTX502, RS500//Y, DTP542 комплект