ST style guitar with a ton of accessories. What you get at such at such a low price is truly out of this world. Guitar, amp, ...
Ok, there are always considerable novelties on the electric guitar sector- but especially for starters it could be worth ...
Newcomer set by Yamaha, contains Yamaha ERG 121 e-guitar & GA15 guitar-amplifier, tuner, gigbag, strap, cable and picks....
Yamaha offers the ambitious beginner an extensive complete set, to launch the start into ...
Children 10 years and older or adults can let off steam with this electric guitar and play their favourite songs. In addition...
акустическая гитара, форма корпуса - Grand Pacific, цвет натуральный, верхняя дека - Ситхинская ель, нижняя дека и обечайки - палисандр, гриф - ...
электроакустическая гитара, форма корпуса - Grand Concert c вырезом, цвет - натуральный, кейс в комплекте