The Roswell SHR-N H-Rails is a compact humbucker specially wound in single coil format. As a replacement for common ST-style...
humbucker and will drop right into your Stratocaster. The Pro TrackTM has enough power for any pickup position, and the 2 nick...
The ChopperTM adds more grunt to the concept of the Fast Track 1TM. Louder, with more balls in the mids and low-end, the Chopp...
Der Chopper T f?r Bridge Position ?hnelt sehr stark dem Klangcharakter des ebenfalls auf Side-by- Side Coils und Twin Blade se...
Gibson P-90 Single Coil w/ Creme Soapbar Cover
звукосниматель, хамбакер, цвет `зебра.
звукосниматель, никелевая крышка, хамбакер, нек, алнико 5
звукосниматель, золотая крышка, хамбакер, алнико 2
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Комплект звукоснимателей для электрогитары