100 leichte Klavier-Hits von Beethoven bis Lady Gaga Zugabe! Nach dem gro?en Erfolg des ersten Bands pr?sentiert Erfolgsautor...
Die sch?nsten Weihnachtslieder von "Stille Nacht" bis "Winter Wonderland" Zur "Weihnachtszeit" existieren viele wunderbare Me...
The ultimate spiral-bound Christmas songbook for Piano, Christmas Piano Gef?llt Mir! features 50 top hits from the...
The accompanying booklet Piano Junior: Theoriebuch 1 zur kreativen Klavierschule by Schott Music consolidates and elaborates...
The accompanying booklet Piano Junior: Concert Book 2 on the creative piano school by Schott Music contains 20 easy and chil...
The accompanying booklet Piano Junior: Konzertbuch 1 zur kreativen Klavierschule by Schott Music contains 20 easy and child-...
Piano Junior by Schott Music is a creative piano school for children aged 6 and over. The novel concept with a total of 4x4 ...
The accompanying booklet Piano Junior: Duet Book 2 on Schott Music's Creative Piano School contains 15 easy duets, arranged ...