Meinl SB5 Samba Beater 16" Wood
Features: aluminium shaft 2" red felthead
Meinl CPB5 Black Sheep Cajon Beater
Features: Material: Wood and 2" Light brown leather heads
Features: adapted for all tamborims color: red
Our Timbales Sticks consists of Hornbeam (white beech), a wood that delivers excellent sound characteristics. Hornbeam is also...
Terré Beater for Singing Bowl
Afroton Mallet for Singing Bowls madera, cabeza de cuero
Rohema Timbale Sticks 61393/2
Die Klangschalen Schl?gel von Meinl sind in verschiedenen L?ngen und mit unterschiedlich gro?en Filzk?pfen ausgestattet, damit...
Features: contoured handle
Die Meinl Resonanz Klangschalen Schl?gel haben eine ebene Fl?che, was beim Spielen einen singenden Sound entlang des Klangscha...
Features: beater for chimes and triangles
Features: Finish: purple The sturdy Sticks out of selected Hickory providing a variety of sounds through there different form...
Features: Finish: red The sturdy Sticks out of selected Hickory providing a variety of sounds through there different form an...