Quality for small walletsWho does not want to compromise on q...
Great look with impressive sound!Great look and great sound! Nothing defines your sound as much as your snare drum. The M...
With the introduction of the Free Floating Snare 30 years ago, Pearl created a completely new, legendary concept, which comple...
Die Performance SnareDrums bestehen aus 10 Lagen Nordamerikanischem Ahornholz, dem gleich...
Die beliebte Sensitone Serie von Pearl erf?hrt 2014 ein Comeback und meldet sich mit gravierenden Besserungen zur?ck auf dem S...
The drummer of the loudest band in the world has very special demands when it comes to SnareDrums. Sonor is absolutely committ...
Jimmy has laid the foundation for such hard rock acts as Alice Cooper, Ozzy Osbourne, Suicidal Tendencies and most notably, th...
The Performance Snare Drums consist of 10 layers of North American Maple, the same wood used in the construction of the legend...
The new drums to come out of the Gretsch house have been named after the place where this traditional manufacturer first saw ...
Durch enge Zusammenarbeit des internationalen Mapex-Teams und der Mapex-Artists kommen bei den neuen Black Panther SnareDrums ...
The Black Magic Snare Drums are a well known for their optimal sound characteristics for stage and studio applications. The n...