Dual logic module with 3 inputs for each unit. The logical states of the inputs ("1" = high / "0" = low) are linked together i...
Module A-198 is a Trautonium Manual resp. Ribbon Controller. The controlling element of the A-198 is a linear position sensor ...
Module A-156 is a Dual Control Voltage Quantizer. A quantizer converts a continous control voltage in the range 0...10V into a...
Doepfer A-147-2SE VCDLFO Special Edition
Module A-108 is a completely new voltage-controlled low pass pass filter based on the well-known transistor ladder (Moog ladde...
Das Modul A-141-2 ist der Nachfolger des abgek?ndigten VCADSR-Moduls A-141. Gegen?ber dem A-141 sind eine Reihe von Verbesseru...
Addressed Track&Hold / Analog Shift Register (ASR)/ Octal Switch (Multiplexer) Module A152 is a very useful switching and T&H ...