Module A-183-2 is a simple voltage offset generator combined with an attenuator/polarizer for the CV input. The function is si...
Doepfer A-101-2v Lowpass Gate Vintage Edition
Module A-185-2 is a precision control voltage adder/buffer. Precision means that the amplification of the inputs without atten...
Das Modul A-141-2 ist der Nachfolger des abgek?ndigten VCADSR-Moduls A-141. Gegen?ber dem A-141 sind eine Reihe von Verbesseru...
Addressed Track&Hold / Analog Shift Register (ASR)/ Octal Switch (Multiplexer) Module A152 is a very useful switching and T&H ...
Module A-190-3 is a Midi/USB-to-CV/Gate interface that allows the integration of the A-100 system into a USB or Midi environm...
A-137 is a voltage controlled Wave Multiplier. The basic idea of a wave multiplier is to multiply the waveform of an incoming ...
Module A-192-2 contains two independent CV/Gate-to-Midi/USB interfaces. For both sub-units a common CV Transpose input is avai...
Doepfer A-135-2