The Black Nickel Snare from Drum Workshop consists of a brass shell equipped with everyth...
Quality for small walletsWho does not want to compromise on q...
Qualit?t f?rs kleine Portmonee Wer beim Kauf einer g?nstigen SnareDrum nicht auf Qualit?t und Sound verzichten m?chte kommt k...
Die Performance SnareDrums bestehen aus 10 Lagen Nordamerikanischem Ahornholz, dem gleich...
The Performance Snare Drums consist of 10 layers of North American Maple, the same wood used in the construction of the legend...
Die Performance SnareDrums sind DW Drums in jeder Hinsicht. Kein Detail fehlt, nirgendwo ...
This is a DW snare drum in every way. No detail has been overlooked, no corners have been cut. Its look and sound are decided...
The Performance Sets are DW drums through and through. No detail was overseen and no compromises were made. Low-mass cast claw...