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8103 ₽

The Eurolite QuickDMX USB radio transmitter/receiver is used for wireless transmission of DMX512 signals. The device is very...

11884 ₽

Das EUROLITE Quick DMX Funksystem ist der einfache und schnelle Weg DMX Signale ohne Kabel zu ?bertragen. Gesendet werden die ...

12244 ₽

Das EUROLITE Quick DMX Funksystem ist der einfache und schnelle Weg DMX Signale ohne Kabel zu ?bertragen. Gesendet werden die ...

12244 ₽

EUROLITEQuickDMX Wireless transmitter/receiver - •Due to GFSK modulation with 78 channels, interference-free operation also alo...

17613 ₽

DMX Split 4 4-fach DMX-Splitter - DMX distributor with one input and four output Absolute electric isolation between input and ...

24795 ₽

6-fold DMX-splitter for rack-mounting Eurolite DMX Split 6X with 1 input and 6 outputs. Two types of DMX connectors (3 pin & 5 ...

34029 ₽

Wireless DMX transmitter 2.4 GHz and Compact wireless DMX receiver 2.4 GHz for the wireless transmission of up to 512 DMX channels

35796 ₽

The Eurolite DXT-TSP 1in/2out PRO DMX Truss Splitter has a sturdy metal housing and is ideal for truss mounting with 2 galvan...

37438 ₽

Der DMX Split 8X ist ein 8-fach DMX-Splitter zur Rackmontage aus dem Hause EUROLITE. DMX Split 8X Features: DMX-Verteiler f?r...

76847 ₽

The Eurolite Art-Net-DMX Node 8 MK2 is an Art-Net/DMX converter with 8 DMX universes. The Art-Net/DMX converter distributes ...

30267 ₽

Eurolite freeDMX AP Wi-Fi Interface - WLAN DMX interface - for Steinigke Light'J - •WLAN DMX interface for wireless lighting co...

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