The G12 heads present themselves as worthy successor to the popular G Plus heads from the house of Evans. They combine the ope...
When faced with the challenge of providing musical tones with unmatched consistency, Evans tom heads work on all fronts. Comp...
The 10mil single-ply clear Genera Resonant has produces a full and round sustain with strong upper-mids that increase projecti...
The Apprentice Pad is a 7" single sided gum practice pad with a non-slip material on bottom and an 8mm threaded insert for mou...
A controlled sound but with resonance and sensitivity at all tuning and dynamic ranges, EC Snare head combines two-plies of fi...
The Genera is a 10mil single-ply with the fat spread of a double-ply. A 2mil overtone control ring on the underside "floats" w...
The Genera HD yields an aggressive rimshot and balanced response. This durable two-ply head (7.5mil external, 5mil internal) w...
Features: Material: 2-ply (each ply 0,165 mm) You want some Funk? You get it: With the double plyed Hydraulic-skin comes the 7...
The two layers of the Hydraulic Head are separated by a thin film of oil. This produces a strong dampening of the vibrations ...
When used with either a single or double-ply batter, the thin 7mil Resonant shortens the sustain, brightens the tone, and incr...