The new PM0.3 is Fostex' first 3" 2-way powered monitor speaker system. The combination of the dedicated 3" LF and 3/4" HF dri...
With the PM0.1 Fostex is offering an extremely compact desktop monitor for editing workstations, gaming, music and anywhere el...
Fostex RM-3 Rack-Monitor 19", 2x 10w, analog + dig. IN
The 6301, be it the analog 6301B or the more recent digital 6301D has, like Fostex been at the top of its game for over 25 yea...
Fostex spendiert seiner 6301 Serie ein Update und hat diesen inzwischen zum weltweiten Klassiker avancierten Studiomonitor nun...
Active Near-Field Monitor The PM0.5d is equipped with highly efficient digital power amps- 35W (LF) and 23W (HF) with a comple...
Desktop-Monitor Der kompakte PM0.4d Desktop-Monitor ist der Nachfolger des erfolgreichen ...