Die Global Truss Spacer sind kompatibel zu allen Global Truss F32 bis F44 Traversen. Abst?nde k?nnen schnell und einfach mit d...
Traversen Rollbrett passend zu 2x F34 Bohrung f?r 4 Rollen. Rollwagen f?r 2x F34 Bohrung f. 4 Rollen Features: Traversen Roll...
F24 box corner with 8 connectors
This head with a diameter of 100cm serves as an attachment for a F34 Tower, which can be attached to lighting fixtures . You ca...
With the Global Truss Gizmo anchor point, trusses can be suspended. The Gizmo is equipped with two half-couplers model no. 82...
Der Konusverbinder von GlOBAL TRUSS ist zu folgenden Traversen Systemen kompatibel: F44, F44P, F34, F34P, F43, F33, F33PL, F42...
GLOBAL-TRUSS Halbkonus f?r F22 - F24 Features: Halbkonus f?r F22 - F24
Halfconnector for box corner M12