Die S-Serie geh?rt seit 1987 zum Ibanez Programm und erfreut sich seitdem gro?er Beliebth...
For two decades, the RG has reigned as the unquestioned monarch of metal guitars. Why? Be...
Ibanez Standard RGA42FM-BLF Blue Lagoon Flat - модель шестиструнной гитары относится к самой узнаваемой линейке этого знакового...
Features:8-String Body: Mahogany Top: Poplar Neck: 5-pc. Mapl...
Features:8-String Body: Mahogany Top: Poplar neck: 5-pc. Mapl...
The Ibanez Standard RG8-WH White is not without reason the recommendation par excellence for the entry into the world of ext...
With the Ibanez Standard RG7420Z-WK Weathered Black Ibanez presents the ideal electric guitar for the budget conscious 7-str...
Linksh?ndermodell der beliebten wei?en Ibanez RG mit Quantum Tonabnehmern....