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ISP Technologies

ISP Technologies

The Theta Pre Amp Pedal by ISP brings the pre amp performance of the Theta hi-gain amp right onto the pedal board. It also com...

19" Stereo Noise Reduction System f?r dein Rack! Nie wieder l?sstiges Rauschen oder andere Nebenger?usche, die von deinem Equ...

97612 ₽

Especially designed for hi-gain amplifiers, the Decimator ProRackG by ISP features two separate channels for noise reduction. ...

Effektive Kontrolle des Nebenger?uschverhaltens Features: bis zu 60dB neueste Noise Reduction Technologie einfache Handhabung...

25817 ₽

The ISP Technologies Deci-Mate is a compact version of the ISP Decimator Noise Gate Pedal that excels in smaller pedal chains.

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