With the Marshall Origin series, Marshall returns to the roots of its own sound traditions. The straightforward amplifiers i...
The Marshall DSL Series consists of a range of guitar heads and combos with Clean/Gain channels & switchable output levels.
Marshall DSL1HR – часть линейки DSL, включающей в себя усилители, «головы» и комбики, для которых свойственны классический звук...
80`s all-time classic. The JCM800 Everybody knows it, everybody loves it!! Now the popular 100 watts head sports a built-in ef...
MARSHALL 2555X Silver Jubilee Reissue The Marshall 2555X Silver Jubilee is a series initially created in 1987 to celebrat...
When Jim Marshall first started manufacturing amps, back in 1962, the first out of the workshop was the JTM45. This amp instan...
Marshall‘s 4 Channel All-Rounder with Classic Marshall Crunch! With four full channels which include all 3 basic sounds per cha...
The 2525 Mini Jubilee from Marshall are a pair of special edition electric guitar amplifiers with full-tube design with two cha...