For the production and development of the planet tuned Meinl Energy Chimes the developers...
By using a B10 bronze alloy that has a higher content of tin than the standard Classics Series cymbals, high-tech computerized...
The Pandeiro is played with one hand while the other alters the pitch of the drum. Solid jingles produce a dry and cutting sou...
А-Го-Го, размер L, хромированная отделка
wah wah tube, small, black
BackBeat тамбурин для барабана 13" - 14"
BackBeat тамбурин для барабана 10" - 12"
8", тамбурин, цвет черный
8" куика, красная
8" ковбелл, черный
8" ковбелл, подписная серия KENNY ARONOFF
8" x 14 1/2", дарбука
8 1/4" x 16", дарбука