Meinls Singing Bowls out of the cosmos series are the best choice for professional meditation techniques and for therapists wh...
Features: Size: 8" Material: Solid brass Wooden holder with braided nylon cord Metal beater The solid brass triangles produce...
The MEINL Headliner Designer Series Congas are offered individually, and you can make up a trio of the three singles, nino, qu...
Das HTMT2BK Tambourine ist eine montierbare Variante des HTMT1BK. Es besteht ebenfalls aus dem sehr leichten, dennoch extrem s...
Orbitale Frequenzen Anhand einer Berechnung der planetaren Konstellationen in unserem Sonnensystem, schaffte es Hans Cousto d...
Between two clear head layers there are hundreds of tiny metal balls. These produce the typical sounds of the ocean when the d...
The Sea Drums create the soothing sounds of the surf, with a great new feature: the little steel balls are sealed between two ...
The MEINL Sea Drums create the soothing sounds of the surf, with a great new feature: we sealed the little steel balls between...
мини-кахон, корпус из балтийской березы, фронтальная панель - оникс
мини-кахон, корпус из балтийской березы, фронтальная панель из бубинги