Make Your Own Getreu diesem Motto erscheint nun auch von NINO eine Cajon, die komplett von eigener Hand montiert werden kann....
The Meinl Singing Bowls are original instruments made by hand in india for the traditional or meditational use. Handcrafted wi...
MEINL Chimes provide great tonal diversity and are available in a wide assortment of sounds. All chimes are made from a premiu...
Steel jingles provide a bright, cutting sound. A sturdy rubberized striking ring ensures a clean response and a long life. An ...
Der Nino Botany Shaker von Nino ist nicht nur ein in Klang und Preis hervoragender Shaker- Nein, er ist dazu noch ein wahrer E...
The Vibra Slap from Meinl named “The Roar” produces a very loud and sustained sound effect. The Vibra Slap is played by striki...
The MEINL Skin Maracas are entirely made by hand and are offered in four different sizes for a wide sonic range. The two large...
The MEINL Fiberglass Guiro has become extremely popular among percussionists worldwide. It offers three different striking sur...
With the NINO Salt & Pepper Shakers from Meinl, children can add a portion of spicy rhythms to their musical exploration. Two ...
The Double Shaker from NINO is a refined little instrument which fits perfectly into the small hands of children. The Double S...
This shaker assortment consists of 4 egg shakers in 4 different, inviting colours. These small plastic shakers are well suited...
Set of four shaker eggs fit all your needs in the studio or on the road, giving you just the shaker effect you want! MEINL Eg...
Meinl Percussion - Die ultimative Auswahl ! Erweitern Sie den Soundumfang Ihrer Klangkiste mit einfachsten Mitteln. Der Mediu...
The StudioMic Shakers have a structured surface. This influences not only the tone colour, it also gives a better hold while ...
Two resonant liquid chambers are connected by a long steel spiral. The Galaxy is held in one hand, while the other hand holds ...