The Meinl Singing Bowls are original instruments made by hand in india for the traditional or meditational use. Handcrafted wi...
The Meinl STD2BK Steel Tongue Drum A-Akebono (Black) is a pre-tuned steel drum with harmonic sound, including bag and mallets. ...
The MEINL Steel Tongue black A-Minor incl. bag and mallets is a rich, full sounding instrument, which can be played with the ha...
4 1/4" x 7 3/4" дарбука
Meinl HD2 Sonic Energy Harmonic Art Handpan
The Meinl HD1 Sonic Energy Harmonic Art hand pans are handmade from first-class steel and are convincing both in workmanship...
кахон, корпус и фронтальная панель из балтийской березы
турбо гуиро
гуиро из стекловолокна
гуиро из дерева
Sonic Energy Collection Das Instrumentensortiment des renommierten Herstellers Meinl setzt an diesem Konzept der musikalische...
18" sea drum - шумовой эффект звука прибоя
16" sea drum - шумовой эффект звука прибоя