Flexibler Pitch Shifter mit klassischem Detune- Effekt. Features: Harmony: Mischt das Originalsignal mit dem gepitchten erze...
The Mooer Envelope Analogue Auto-Wah is an analogue auto-wah pedal for guitar and bass featuring controls for Sensit...
Ultrakompaktes autochromatisches Pedal-Stimmger?t Extrem kompakter Bodentuner mit 108 superhellen LEDs, die auch bei starkem ...
Hochwertiger digitaler Reverb mit 3 unterschiedlichen Modi und einem 32bit DSP Chip f?r die Klangerzeugung. Features: Studio...
A collection of 11 classic modulation effects in the typical compact Mooer format. Thanks to the built-in 32bit DSP chip and...
Mooer Audio Groove Loop
Vielseitiges Multieffektger?t aus dem Hause Mooer.Mit dem GE ...
The Mooer Baby Bomb 30 is a compact guitar amplifier that fits on every pedalboard. With 30 watts, it delivers enough power ...
The Mooer Radar Speaker Cab Simulator is a professional loudspeaker simulator that makes it much easier for guitarists to pi...
With the Mooer GE200, the popular effects manufacturer presents a compact multi-effects unit for electric guitar that leaves...
Mooer Audio Multi Plug 2 Cable, angled