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Mutable Instruments

Mutable Instruments

Dual Bernoulli Gate A Bernoulli gate takes a logic signal (trigger or gate) as an input, and routes it to either of its two ou...

Texture synthesizer Clouds is a granular audio processor with a couple of twists. Unlike granular sample players, Clouds is foc...

The Mutable Instruments Ears Contact Microphone features a built-in amplifier with 1m input impedance, a 40dB gain a...

Modal synthesizer Elements is a full-blown synthesis voice based on modal synthesis – an under-appreciated flavour of physical...

Topographic Drum Sequenzer Take the user interface of an euclidean sequencer, a healthy dose of machine learning and graph alg...

Multiples and Mixing Utilities Links provides 3 utility functions focused on signal distribution and mixing. 1:3 is a 3-outpu...

Mutable Instruments Marbles is a random module for modular synthesizers in Eurorack format. The module offers many different...

Dual Trigger to Signal Converter Peaks provides 4 different functions in a small 8-HP package. Their common point? They are al...

Mutable Instruments Plaits is an oscillator module for modular synthesizers in Eurorack format. However, the module is no or...

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