The Raven-Series by Ortega finally introduces Banjos crafted under well-known high Ortega standards! The skilled luthiers dec...
The OUBJ100-SBK is the only Raven-Series Ukulele Banjo made by Ortega and combines the true Banjo sound with the playability o...
D-Walker custom made short scale bass strings are silver-plated wound on nylon silk. The strings and tension is special design...
Ortega R122L-3/4 Lefthand
Since 1994, Ortega has been developing and producing classical guitars that mirror the ex...
Features:Lefthand Top: Laminated Cedar Back & Sides: Laminate...
Features:Top: Laminated Cedar Back & Sides: Laminated Mahogan...
Features:7/8-sized Classical Guitar Top: Laminated Cedar Back...
Features:1/4-sized Classical Guitar Top: Laminated Cedar Back...
Features:1/2-sized Classical Guitar Top: Laminated Cedar Back...