Wenn Sie Akustikgitarre spielen und nach einer M?glichkeit suchen, diesen speziellen Klang kristallklar und nat?rlich zu verst...
Das A-49 WH Masterkeyboard der Firma Roland Musik ist ein kleines, aber dennoch ausgewachsenes MIDI-Eingabeger?t mit 49 leich...
The GK-3 is for sending individual signals from each guitar string to GK compatible devices. It is carefully designed for gui...
Compact and rock solid, this newly designed kick pad provides great feel, dynamic response, accurate triggering and solid pla...
Behind the name CB-HPD stands a combination of two bags. The first one provides room and protection for the Roland Digital Dru...
The matching bag for the Roland TD-4KP E-Drum set! ROLAND Bag CB-TDP Features: Optimal protection for the TD-4KP E-Drum set ...
The Mesh Head V-Pads were specially made for the V-Drums and were developed in cooperation with the famous producer REMO USA. ...
Die weltweit beliebtesten zweilagigen Gewebefelle aus dem Hause Roland sind ab sofort in ...