Seymour Duncan Hot Tele Set
Versatile P.A.F.-type humbucker. Great for country, jazz, blues, funk, classic rock and h...
Features: Bestehend aus zwei SH-6 Duncan Distortion Humbuckern f?r Hals und Br?cken Position aggressives, modernes Set designe...
A Seymour Duncan Humbucker with a warm Alnico 2 vintage sound and slightly higher output. Oroginally developed as a replica of...
Einhergehend mit der gro?en Welle im Progressive Metal bietet Seymour Duncan einen Pickup...
Trembucker-Version f?r Tremolo-Spacings (Gr??er als 50mm)Einh...
Звукосниматель для семиструнной электрогитары, чёрный.
With the new rise of Progressive Metal playing, Seymour Duncan wanted to offer a new brid...
With the new rise of Progressive Metal playing, Seymour Duncan wanted to offer a new bridge pickup specifically for 7 & 8 stri...
звукосниматель для электрогитары бриджевый цвет черный