DThe Chico model is the smallest Cajon of the new series and was developed especially for children. It has a body made of MDF ...
Klangvolle Allrounder Die neuen Sonor Cajon Modelle mit dem Seriennamen Mosquito bieten einen qualitativen und preisg?nstigen...
The Grande model consists entirely of Birch wood and produces first-class bass with a percussive snare sound. The successor of...
The Listado model belongs among the top-model of the Cajon Line. Extremely deep at a high volume as well as a very fine and pr...
Das Modell Grande besteht komplett aus Birkenholz und produziert erstklassige B?sse und einen perkussiven Snare-Sound. Der Nac...
Die Baterita Cajons von Sonor erf?llen komplett die Bed?rfnisse von Schlagzeugern- inklusive crisper Snare-Sounds und wuchtige...
The Cajonpad is a kind of ultra-flat Cajon for on-the-go and makes it possible to practice wherever you may be without having ...
The Snare mechanism of the Latino Cajons has been improved and need no further adjustments. The body is made from Birch, the ...