With the GD30CE12 B2 Takamine presents an inexpensive 12-string "all-rounder western guitar" which is ideally suited for bot...
Features:Body: Classical Top: Solid Spruce Back & Sides: Maho...
With the GD30CE12 N2 Takamine presents an inexpensive 12-string "all-rounder western guitar" which is ideally suited for bot...
электроакустическая гитара типа DREADNOUGHT CUTAWAY, цвет натуральный, верхняя дека массив ели, нижняя дека и обечайки - орех, гриф махогани, ...
электроакустическая гитара типа DREADNOUGHT CUTAWAY, цвет натуральный, верхняя дека - массив ели, нижняя дека и обечайка - орех, накладка грифа - ...
электроакустическая гитара типа DREADNOUGHT, цвет натуральный, верхняя дека - массив ели, нижняя дека и обечайка - орех + клён, гриф - махогани, ...
Features: Korpusform: Dreadnought Decke: Zeder, massiv Boden & Zargen: Ahorn, laminiert Hals: Mahagoni Griffbrett: Palisander...
With the GD90CE ZC2 Takamine presents an "all-rounder" acoustic guitar, which is suitable for the stage as well as for the c...
With the GD30CE NLH2 Takamine presents an inexpensive "allrounder left-handed western guitar" which is ideally suited for bo...