The TC Electronic Fluorescence Shimmer Reverb is the perfect companion for those space cadets looking for a more ethereal reverb
Der Ditto Looper entwickelte sich aufgrund seiner hohen Funktionalit?t und der einfachen Bedienbarkeit ?ber Nacht zu einem rie...
PowerPlug adaptor by TC Electronic for effects pedals like PolyTune or Toneprint. 12V-Version also available! Features: 9 Vo...
The TC Electronic Choka Tremolo is a completely analog tremolo effect pedal for electric guitar, whose versatile sound leave...
Vielseitiger Kompressor aus der TonePrint Serie von TC Electronic.Mit dem HyperGravity Compressor pr?sentiert TC Elec...
Noise Gate aus der TonePrint Familie von TC Electronic.Mit dem Sentry pr?sentiert TC Electronic ein Noise Gate, das a...
With Tone Print you have immediate access to specialized, tailored sound. An impressive number of top guitarists’ have contrib...
TC Electronic Sub 'n' Up Octaver
Der vielseitigste Phaser aller Zeiten! Viele Gitarristen haben im Laufe der Zeit Phaser- Effekte eingesetzt, h?ufig sogar als...
Ja - der Corona Mini Chorus ist beinahe unglaublich klein - aber wie sein gro?er Bruder, der bekannte Corona Chorus, liefert e...
Ja - der Shaker Mini Vibrato ist beinahe unglaublich klein - aber wie sein gro?er Bruder Shaker Vibrato liefert er „out of the...
Pitch Modulator & Flanger) pedal has been the favorite choice of professional musicians Though originally intended for use wi...
Basically, John wanted to gather all of his TonePrints in a single pedal even though his original TonePrints are for three di...
Spark Booster works wonders as an always on-type of effect - adding life, grit and compression to your sound in a way that ju...
Features TC ELECTRONIC MojoMojo Overdrive: Overdrive Gain - Level - Bass - Treble control 2 Voice settings True Bypass 9VDC-Po...