Набор плагинов (Morphoder, Sound Shifter, Doubler,TransX)
Набор плагинов (Morphoder, Sound Shifter, Doubler,TransX)
комплект плагинов (SSL G Master Bus Compressor, SSL G 292 EQ, SSL E channel strip (Expander/Gate Compressor/Limiter) with the 242 `black knob` EQ & ...
комплект плагинов (SSL G Master Bus Compressor , SSL G 292 EQ, SSL E channel strip (Expander/Gate Compressor/Limiter) with the 242 `black knob` EQ & ...
набор плагинов (X-NOISE,X-CLICK,X-CRACKLE,X-HUM)
набор плагинов (X-Noise,X-Click,X-Crackle, XHum, Z Noise)
набор плагинов (RenChannel, RenCompressor, RenEQ, RReverb, RVox, RBass, RDeEsser)