The Befaco Output Module is designed as a master output for your Eurorack system, giving an extra cue input to monitor a signal.
2hp Osc is an oscillator module for modular synthesizers in Eurorack format. The analog, voltage-controlled oscillator is a ...
Erica Synth Pico Quant is a quantizer module for modular synthesizers in Eurorack format. The module generates different sca...
Addressed Track&Hold / Analog Shift Register (ASR)/ Octal Switch (Multiplexer) Module A152 is a very useful switching and T&H ...
Das Modul A-141-2 ist der Nachfolger des abgek?ndigten VCADSR-Moduls A-141. Gegen?ber dem A-141 sind eine Reihe von Verbesseru...